Volume or Sound Issues with Windows 98 - II Missing Sound Card
If the ‘Sound, Video, and Game Controllers category is missing from Device Manager, it may be due to any of the following factors:
• Incorrect installation occurred with the sound card/s.
• The sound card was disabled.
• The sound card is defective.
• The sound card is not available.
Check that there are no conflicts or other devices in Device Manager. If any devices or conflicts are present, these may be the cause for non-detection of the sound card. Inspect whether the sound card is enabled in the computer.
Verify the availability of an onboard sound card through the BIOS setup. Reboot your computer, and hit the Del or F2 button while it reboots. Do this before the Windows screen appears. Do not change anything, as this can adversely affect forthcoming boot processes.
Close the window if the down arrow is not accessible (to choose the appropriate adapter) or if there are no adapters. Go to the System icon in Control Panel and double click it. Access the Device Manager tab and verify that no red or yellow X’s are displayed.
Remove all devices under ‘Sound, Video, and Game Controllers if red or yellow X’s are indicated. Reboot your computer.
Check the speaker connections and settings.
Sound Card Drivers
If the sound card does not work after following the abovementioned steps, go online and download the current sound card drivers through the sound card or computer manufacturer’s websites. Install according to the instructions.
Malfunctioning Hardware
If none of the recommendations stated in this guide correct the situation, then the sound card may be physically defective, or the operating system itself may have been severely corrupted. In this case, contact the sound card or computer manufacturer for recommended solutions or an outright replacement.