Volume or Sound Issues with Windows 98 - I
These tips are applicable to sound problems that may occur with the Windows 98 operating system, as well as Windows 95 and ME.
1. Access the Control Panel, and click on ‘Multimedia.’
2. Inspect ‘Show Volume Control on the Taskbar’ in the checkbox. Click on the arrow and change the preferred device’s selection to a different one – do this if the section is greyed-out.
3. If checking the box is permitted, click on ‘Ok’ and close this window. Close the Control Panel.
4. Double-click on the ‘Sound’ icon in Systray. Verify if all sound volumes are on high.
Confirm Installed Driver Settings
1. Access Windows Device Manager.
2. There should be no errors or conflicts within Device Manager. Go to the ‘Conflicts’ portion of this guide if any conflicts are present.
3. Verify that there are no other tools listed. If there are any, go to the ‘Other Devices’ portion of this guide.
4. Check if the ‘Sound, Video, and Game Controllers’ category is present. Go to the ‘Missing Sound Card’ area of this guide if it is not listed.
5. If there are no conflicts, other listed devices, and the sound card is present, go to the last part of this guide.
Incorrect installation may have occurred with the device drivers, or the devices and sound cards may be conflicting. Access the ‘Properties’ window for the clashing devices to check for additional information. The Device Manager portion comprises further information (including error codes and Device Manager help).
Other Devices
If the listings contain other devices, there could be configuration conflicts between the sound card and other devices. Remove all the listed devices and reboot your computer. Restart and allow Windows to detect the devices again.
Attempt to identify the undetected devices if the aforementioned method does not correct the situation.