Thread: Mandriva Once
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Old 10-24-2008, 05:51 AM
benjamingreggsmith benjamingreggsmith is offline
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Page White Tux Mandriva Once

Ive Got a EEE Pc running XP Home dedition Sp1A, and Its a calamity... Ive also got a disc of Mandriva One 2008.1. As many in this world know there isnt a glimpse of a cd drive on a EEE, my Xp is definitly going to crash as every time it boots it loses 10MB of ram and the processor speed gets reduced by 25MHZ... Does anyone know how I could boot the mandriva setup from a flash drive. In case this has anything to do with the matter ive got a 1GB Verbatim store n go, the old red shape, another old verbatim 2 GB and a new Axiz 8GB flash drive... thanks to anyone that replies to this.

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