Do I sense a bit of hostility in your note? Pity, you could be offering up so much more.
This site is for technical questions and answers. It is not your forum to berate sincere commentary.
Only a complete moron will have difficulty with the GUI. Oh wait you are..."
As you project the attitude of a 12 year old... I shall enlighten you on some facts...There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of seniors operating computers who could care less about technology, from a nuts and bolts perspective. Just give me the computer and make it work for the LIMITED use which I am going to put it. You are an anachronism, my friend, in their minds...out of time and out of place. Second, there are also quite a few, youngsters who are at the same stage of computer usage.
You scare them both. Are you stable enough to be on line at all? ...that is my only bit of concern with your responses.
As an egomaniac, what's it like to walk on water? Be more professional in your undertakings and comments. Just because you may think that you KNOW more than your average Joe, and appear to head-up a few fora at this site ...only reflects the possibility that among us poor sots, you are the only one able to do so. It is a gift...why abuse it? Why demean others? Why act like a smart aleck? Try being a gentle soul for a change.
TTFN...The Moronic Troll