Over all, It is another HP over build to try to make it sound better than what it does.
1)As a standard computer it is fine.
2)As a gamer, it will not hold water...so don't expect it to be some sort of record breaker.
3)The memory has to be questioned as to why it is installed in that configuration to begin with. and not set up as matching pairs.
4) no computer is worth its salt with only 1 optical drive installed
5) High definition audio ??????? all sound cards are this so it really isn't saying a thing like what kind of audio card.....so suspect something very cheap and not of good quality!
6) I have to question the USB connectors...the media card reader is powered from an on-board USB connector and so are the two front USB connections...while this may look good it more than likely will cause them all to connect as 1.1 instead of the 2.0 as stated. Don't be surprised when you get a pop-up saying that your flash drive(when connected in front) is operating at a low connectivity and would be better in powered to a higher one
7) other than the Student teacher edition of office and the adobe software...the others are really nothing but resource hogs and mediocre software......I would not use the Norton/symantic suite for anything!

the 24" monitor is a pretty good deal...I will say that HP does supply decent monitors with their computers.
9) the dual core processor is really nice but then nothing spectacular.
10) I am not and never will be in favor of super large drives as they just don't hold up. With larger drives the moving(mechanical ) parts of the drive must work harder and thus wear faster than that of a combination of smaller drives.
This doesn't have a thing to do with HP as I will state the same info for Dell, Gateway, or any other computer.
The memory that is coming with that machine is what really bothers me. It is like HP is trying to impress you with more hardware pieces and trying to make something look impressive. As I see it, the large memory capacity they are showing is to allow for the cover-up of the memory intense software that is being used.
All in all, it will be adequate for what you would use it for....but do not expect too much extra from the stock unit!