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Old 08-17-2008, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by BaRR View Post
Hey, wanted to inform you guys that I found the real problem. It wasn't that it was overheated or that the memory failed, it turns out that Dell installed my memory cards in reverse after it was returned from repairs. DIMM1 was in Slot 2 and DIMM2 was in Slot 1. It only became a problem after I tried flashing the BIOS which corrupted it somehow, I have no idea why the reversed cards would cause that. When I reverted the position of the two memory cards, it crashed a couple times but did NOT show the memory integrity errors, so after re-flashing the BIOS, it hasn't crashed since!
Re-flashing the in you already flashed it once before...on a new machine????? .... no wonder you are having issues. The BIOS is not something that you just mess around with. In fact it is best not to even mess with it unless it is a measure of last resource.

Swapping memory sticks around should not have any effect on new computers as the channels don't care what position memory sticks are in. More than likely there is a hardware issue with the contacts of the memory sockets or the sticks just were not seated firmly before. I for one tend to believe that you have a serious issue with that,,,,as installing the correct memory should not make your system crash a couple of times to begin with! This could be related to the multiple BIOS flashing as well.

I am glad that it is working properly (?) now...I just hope it continues to do so. In the case that it doesn't please refer the next post concerning your computer back to this thread so that others will not be wasting their time trying to figure out what might be wrong!

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