Hello everyone! I bought a rather older dell off eBay just recently that said it had a "virus". It is a Dell Optiplex GX 50. I know I know its old. But its perfect for what I need it for. I'm a photographer and bought it for a Fuji Pictrography machine so it can print my images. So for just running a printer off it its fine. Well I thought it was. It has Windows 2000 and XP installed. Xp runs great the 2000 however does not. I wanted to format the whole computer just to get rid of any "bugs" it may or may not have. Plus there is some personal information on it from the previous owner. When I'm in 2000 or XP I get the same message from the command prompt when I try to format. It tells me that "the volume is in use by another process. Format may run if the volume is dismounted first. ALL OPEN HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD BE INVALID. Would you like to force dismount on this volume? If you say yes it then says "cannot lock the drive the volume is still in use. Any ideas to get around this or what to do? I have XP cds, so I just want to format the whole damn computer if I can. 2000 is the issue. It gets error messages with malicious scripts on it and takes forever to boot. XP runs great..I actually got it to connect with my wireless adapter and it was so much faster then my newer computer. Go figure. I also looked at the storage under computer management and it does not show separate partitions for each operating system. I tried to boot to the XP cd but it wont do that either. Just flashes green and tells me to insert media in drive. I know the cd drive works because I installed the wireless adapter with it. How the

do I format this?