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Old 08-16-2008, 12:59 PM
foxclab01 foxclab01 is offline
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Default How can I extract information from a TV tuner card ?

Hello to all.

I am creating a home theater with HVR3000. I would like to know 2 things :

1. The characteristics are :

CPU - Intel Celeron Dual Core E1200 1.6GHz S775
Memory - DDR2 2GHz / 667 / PC5400
Power - 450W
Video Card - Forsa GeForce 6600GT 512MB DDR2 PCIe w/DVI TV-Out
OS - XP pro sp2

Will I be ok for all the functions of HVR3000 or will I need something stronger?

2. I want to add an LCD screen in front of the htpc, that will display some information. Among that, I want to display the current channel of the receiver ( either by its code name or by its frequency ). Is there a way to extract this information from HVR3000 ? ( either from the card itself or from the software ).

Thank you all in advance.

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