08-05-2008, 02:24 PM
 | Senior Member | | | |
Originally Posted by Crimbo He said reinstall which means he has full access to the machine. No ADMIN would allow a user to reinstall his workstation (Well maybe a really lazy one  ) But your fist answer would suffice and take all of 30 seconds to resolve if he is at a corp/business office, unless it HIS office DOH! Most of the time I hear people want a password because they want to see what there gf/bf is doing. In that case install a key-logger, just make sure it is YOUR computer and not hers/his cuz that is illegal. (Not that is would stop most people) | To reinstall DOES NOT MEAN that one has full access to a computer. It only means that he has access to an installation disc or other means of re-installing the operating system. A password protected BIOS will not protect against a reinstallation of an operating system with an original install disc. Neither will "limited account user profile"