Please edit your post and remove the email address it is not safe to post such in open forums
There are a few of that type around. They say that you have spyware/viruses and claim to get rid of them if you buy the program.....just a pure/simple ripoff.
In order to help we would need to know exactly what the name is that YOURanti-virus program came up with or possibly what name the program they are trying to sell you or web page that you are redirected to so that we can get an idea of what you are dealing with.
In the mean time you might try to do this.
1) shut down system restore ...
start > control panel > system > system restore tab and tic the box to shut it down and apply and exit
2) enter safe mode
reboot and toggle the F8 key till the start-up page shows and choose to start in safe mode (if windows starts before the start page comes up you will have to try again.
3)in safe mode run YOUR anti-virus program and any other anti-spyware programs that you have. try to note what names of any programs are said to be bad
4) while in safe mode shut down and delete any services that are linked to the names of any bad programs in your system
start > control panel > admin tools > services and open and scroll through the listing checking out those that are suspect....take your time and you can detect which are suppose to be there....any question on any of them and copy the names and google for them...there should be plenty of answers for all the standard ones and for any known bad ones