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Old 06-09-2008, 03:08 PM
Ancient Ancient is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 17
Ancient is on a distinguished road



I understand everything except for the MS updates, do I just go to their website and download them? Is there a list of them that I will need?

Also, I am going to use a wireless router and have wireless internet on this old computer. I am going to buy the wireless router

Linksys - Wireless-G Broadband Router with 4-Port Ethernet Switch - WRT54G2

And also buy the wireless network adapter

Linksys - RangePlus Enhanced Wireless-G Network USB 2.0 Adapter - WUSB100

My computer downstairs will have the cable modem attatched to the wall. Therefore I just take the wireless router, wire the modem through it, and then plug in the wireless adapter to the upstairs computer, and it will read the wireless internet and let me use it? Is it that easy or..?

So we have computer A = New computer Computer B = Old, being reformatted computer

Computer A : Downstairs, w. router, modem (cable)

Computer B: Upstairs, reformatted, wireless network adapter

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