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Old 06-08-2008, 09:56 AM
Ancient Ancient is offline
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IF I reformat my computer with the installation CD that came with the computer, it reads:

Reinstallation CD
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

I also have more CD's that are as follows:

-M781 Color Monitor Quick Setup (Displays by DELL)
-For reinstalling V.90 Data/Fax Modem for Microsoft Windows (Drivers and Utilities)
-Dell Dimension ResoruceCD for Reinstalling Device Drivers and Using Diagnostics, Utilities, and Online Documentation (Drivers and Utilities)
-Backup: Dell-installed programs (Application)
-For installing/reinstalling Roxio easy CD Creator 5.1 Basic (Application)

Does anyone know if I need anything more?

My problem is when I go and reformat my computer, I'm I going to start it back up and then not be able to use it because I am not going to have the drivers?

I know after you reformat you have to download all the new updates and everything, I basically don't want to reformat and screw anything up to where I can't use the computer any longer.

Last edited by Ancient; 06-08-2008 at 10:24 AM..
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