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Old 03-10-2008, 07:01 PM
benzaloy benzaloy is offline
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Default Remval of Virus Heat from Computer machine

Lurkswithin, how right you are . . . Coincidence it is. Virus Heat is back in its
space blinking away like nobody's business. I just don't touch it.
I am tired of my efforts to remove it. What cannot be rid of must be endured.
BTW, could you please tell me why my cursor disappears all of a sudden while am writing something. Within the space of this small note it disappeared four or five times. Got to click to get it back and continue.
Yes, this laptop is pretty old and has many ailments just as an old person, like me, would have. The 'O' key misses often and therefore many 'Log In's have gone haywire . . . the left 'shift' key has a hiccup, and so on.
Could you suggest a few hints to avoid these Virus Heat types.
I will adopt them when I get my next computer machine.
Umm God made man and hackers too.
Thank you very much for your response . . . it eased my mind a little,
thank you,
BTW, I feel sorry when I look at the way he bangs his head like that !
It's not done, not at all,

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